Breaking the Comparison Habit

To break the habit of comparing yourself to others, try these practical steps: Identify your triggers and avoid them Recognize the situations and circumstances that bring negative thoughts and feelings. Social media is not the only source of harm to our self-esteem. Maybe you feel inferior when a colleague boasts or when you're in a certain place. Once you identify your triggers, take steps to avoid them. Limit your social media usage While social media has benefits, excessive scrolling, especially on beauty and lifestyle content, can harm self-worth. Unfollow accounts that cause comparison and establish boundaries such as turning off your phone after a certain time of day. Consider doing activities that add value to your life. Avoid comparing others' outsides to your own insides Everyone faces unique struggles, and nobody knows what's going on behind the scenes in someone else's life. Avoid making comparisons and focus on your own journey. Remember that money doesn't buy happiness Despite what ads may say, money cannot guarantee permanent happiness. Watching others' luxurious lifestyles may mislead us into thinking money will solve our problems. Remember that it only buys temporary joy. Practice gratitude Be thankful for what you have instead of comparing yourself to those who seem to have more. There is always something to appreciate, so fine-tune your gratitude practice. Use comparison as motivation Instead of envy, let others' accomplishments inspire you. Understand how they achieved their success and see how you can replicate their actions. Focus on your strengths Accept and be proud of your accomplishments, while also being humble. Make a list of what you like about yourself, and use it as a reminder of your strengths. Celebrate others' accomplishments Supporting others does not mean neglecting self-advocacy. Recognize and celebrate others' achievements, and spread positivity.